3 research outputs found

    Studienlandschaft Schwingbachtal: an out-door full-scale learning tool newly equipped with augmented reality

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    This paper addresses education and communication in hydrology and geosciences. Many approaches can be used, such as the well-known seminars, modelling exercises and practical field work but out-door learning in our discipline is a must, and this paper focuses on the recent development of a new out-door learning tool at the landscape scale. To facilitate improved teaching and hands-on experience, we designed the Studienlandschaft Schwingbachtal. Equipped with field instrumentation, education trails, and geocache, we now implemented an augmented reality App, adding virtual teaching objects on the real landscape. The App development is detailed, to serve as methodology for people wishing to implement such a tool. The resulting application, namely the Schwingbachtal App, is described as an example. We conclude that such an App is useful for communication and education purposes, making learning pleasant, and offering personalized options

    Антибактериальная терапия внебольничной пневмонии

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    Cephalosporins, and primarily ceftriaxone, were the main group of antibiotics used as monotherapy in case of community-acquired pneumonia of inpatient treatment. Macrolides and fluoroquinolones have been used predominantly in combination with cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefuroxime, cefazolin) in patients with comorbidities. The selection of empirical antibacterial preparations was based on subjective, objective, laboratory and radiological data, as well as by analyzing epidemiological data and antibacterial resistance in hospital. The optimal strategy in the selection of antibiotics or their combinations is determined by covering spectrum of possible microbial agents, obtaining a synergistic antimicrobial effect and avoiding potential adverse reactionsCefalosporinele, şi în primul rând ceftriaxonul, au constituit grupa principală de antibiotice utilizate ca monoterapie în tratamentul pneumoniilor comunitare în staţionar. Macrolidele şi fluorochinolonele au fost folosite preponderent în asociere cu cefalosporinele (ceftriaxon, ceftazidim, cefuroxim, cefazolină) la pacienţii cu comorbidităţi. Selectarea preparatelor antibacteriene a fost empirică în baza datelor subiective, obiective, de laborator şi radiologice, precum şi prin analiza datelor epidemiologice şi rezistenţei antibacteriene în clinică. Conduita principală în selectarea antibioticelor sau asocierilor lor a constat în acoperirea spectrului de agenţi microbieni posibili, obţinerea unui efect antimicrobian sinergic şi evitarea potenţialelor reacţii adverseЦефалоспорины, и в первую очередь цефтриаксон, были основной группой антибиотиков, используемых в качестве монотерапии при стационарном лечении внебольничной пневмонии. Макролиды и фторхинолоны использовались преимущественно в комбинации с цефалоспоринами (цефтриаксон, цефтазидим, цефуроксим, цефазолин) у пациентов с сопутствующими заболеваниями. Выбор антибактериальных препаратов производился эмпирическим путем на основании субъективных, объективных, лабораторных и рентгенологических данных, а также путем анализа эпидемиологических данных и антибактериальной резистентности в больнице. Оптимальная стратегия выбора антибиотиков или их комбинаций была определена охватом спектра возможных микробных агентов, развитием синергидного противомикробного эффекта и предотвращением потенциальных побочных реакци

    Global climate change impacts on local climate and hydrology

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    Lo más probable es que el cambio climático global tenga un impacto severo en el clima local y el ciclo hidrológico en la selva tropical montañosa. Usamos una técnica simple de reducción de escala estadística para ocho modelos de circulación general y dos escenarios de emisión IPCC AR4 (A1B, A2) para pronosticar condiciones climáticas locales factibles para la cuenca del río San Francisco para tres períodos de tiempo futuros (2010-2039, 2040-2069, 2070 –2099). Estas simulaciones se utilizaron luego como datos de forzamiento para un conjunto de siete modelos de escorrentía-lluvia a escala de captación para investigar los efectos sobre los flujos hidrológicos locales. Se espera que aumente la precipitación para ambos escenarios de emisiones, especialmente en los meses de mayo y junio. Estos aumentos en la entrada de precipitaciones conducirán a descargas aún más dinámicas como las actuales. Sin embargo, parte del aumento de la entrada de agua se compensa aumentando la evapotranspiración debido a las temperaturas más altas. Finalmente, brindamos una perspectiva de las tendencias futuras factibles de los servicios de los ecosistemas relacionados con el agua bajo el cambio climático.Global climate change will most likely have a severe impact on local climate and hydrological cycling in the tropical montane rainforest. We used a simple statistical downscaling technique for eight general circulation models and two IPCC AR4 emission scenarios (A1B, A2) to forecast feasible local climate conditions for the San Francisco river basin for three future time slices (2010–2039, 2040–2069, 2070–2099). These simulations were then used as forcing data for an ensemble of seven catchment scale rainfall-runoff models to investigate the effects on local hydrological fluxes. Precipitation for both emission scenarios is expected to increase, especially in the months May and June. These increases in precipitation input will lead to even more dynamic discharges as today. However, part of the increasing water input is compensated by raising evapotranspiration due to higher temperatures. Finally, we give an outlook on feasible future trends of water-related ecosystem services under climate change